Thursday, May 17, 2018

Baby Steps.

The last post I wrote, I wrote about the fact that I need to lose weight. Ironically, I was eating ice cream as I wrote it. Since that post, I've been working on my eating habits. I'm having a hard time kicking the sweets but I did kick the daily soda and daily energy drink. I've cut back on that but I started drinking iced tea again. Win some, lose some I suppose. I'm trying to be more active but my energy levels are so low that I'm ready to crash into my bed by 8 pm.

My starting weight was 350 pounds. (I was pretty close with that estimate. I weighed in at 351.4.) I weighed myself this past weekend. The scale told me 343.2. (That's an 8.2-pound difference in just about two weeks!) My next weigh-in will be on the 30th of this month. I have 13 days left. In the next 13 days, I'm going to work on portion control and my tendency to eat when I'm bored.

I'm also going to TRY to add about 20 minutes of some form of a work out each day. Like the title states, baby steps. I'll get to my goal eventually.

May 13th.
343.2 lbs

My next weigh-in will be May 30th for sure.

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