Monday, April 30, 2018

Uncommitted or Just Plain Ironic?

I am an overweight woman. Actually, I'm morbidly obese by doctors' standards (and by my own standards). I am six feet tall and I weigh somewhere around 350 pounds. I'm in between a size 20, 22, and 24 depending on brand/cut/etc. I'm not happy with how I look and I want to lose weight. Ideally, I'd like to weigh in somewhere around 175 - 185 pounds. It would be a HUGE difference for me and I know there would be many health benefits to losing the weight.


I am typing this post while eating a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream covered in magic shell fudge and sprinkles. It could be classified as completely ironic but I know the truth. I'm uncommitted. I have a hard time putting down the sweets and sodas. I love chocolate. I love Mountain Dew. I'm a sucker for all the bad carbs (*cough*spaghetti is my favorite meal ever*cough*). I also eat pizza rolls like my life depends on it.

I know it's bad. I also know I should stop. I'm stuck between needing to and not 100% wanting to. I'm going to start slow. Cut portions down and amount of meals/snacks. Then I'll slowly start taking away sweets, sodas, certain foods, etc. I'll use my blog as a way to keep track of my progress. That way I'll feel the need to stick to it. (I hope...)


April 30th.
350 lbs.
Size 20/22/24/3x

I'll weigh myself on May 30th and see if I made any progress. Wish me luck!

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